Just stopping by…

I have not written any posts in so long, I had to really remember what the process was to do so. I think it has been well over a year since I even thought about writing on this post, I mean between work, family, church and friends i don’t have a lot of free time. Nonetheless, I thought I’d just stop a moment and write a few lines for old times.

My husband and I have enjoyed myriad old television and movie classics since the beginning of the summer and most recently we watched Cabin In The Sky.  What a great movie of which Black Cinema is at it’s best; Ethel Waters, Lena Horne, Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong to name a few. As I watched, I thought how beautiful and talented those people were along with the rest of the entire cast. How proud I am to be of the same ancestry as these individuals, considering the abominable crimes that were common and lawful during the progression of American society if you will.

The movie is not one that would move a great thinker or orator, but the talent would be enviable of anyone who would call themselves an artist.

There is great talent today, but at times it feels more man-made than natural. Gone are the days of beauty that takes your breath away or debonaire gents who would make your eyes see stars upon the sight of them.

I think that young people today, of all races and background, should visit networks like TCM that host classic movie from sun up to sun down, every day of the week and year. Sadly, we are missing the broad-shouldered strong woman of yesteryear in this generation; men who were not only suave, but also strong and vigilante.  

Young people need to be reminded of the paths that were laid for them to do and be who they are today, only then will we see the truly authentic and talented rise again.

Add a comment November 4, 2010

The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same….

It has been a long time since I have had an opportunity to blog. Between work, home and school (believe it or not folks, I’m “in-school” again completing my certification in case management) I don’t have a lot of time for extras. Well truthfully, I have time but I’m putting my time toward other things that I believe to be more pertinent. But you know what, I’ve discovered that I really miss writing. It is my dream to someday complete the two books that I am working on, host lectures and maybe even have my own radio broadcast. I just enjoy helping people think outside the box. So many folks are wrapped up in themselves that they rarely step-out of their comfort zones; comfort zones that at times feed the ego grotesque amounts of energy. Then there are folks who want so badly to belong and be someone, but they too rarely step-out of their comfort zones and they miss life [or big chunks of it] because of fear. Ironically, there are times when both of these personality types align themselves with people and/or things that could care less about who they are, what they do or the accomplishments they’ve made. I want to help people recognize the beauty within themselves; a beauty that needs not exaggerate their lives or settle for less than what they are worth. There is a common ground thatmany share, but rarely publicize. Peer pressure, past experiences, hurt, pain and loneliness are but a few deterrent’s that wish to keep you bound from the abundant life that Jesus desired us all to have. And let me state, Jesus is who I believe in but I’ve come to understand that just because a person may not believe all that I do does not take away from my responsibility to be loving, understanding and welcoming. The more things change, the more they stay the same…yet we arise and we prevail and we live. I look forward to writing more than I have in recent weeks/months….let me know what you think. ;0)

1 comment May 13, 2009

Gays outraged by President Elect Obama’s selection of Rick Warren…

I haven’t written about anything since prior to the November election. It’s not that I have not wanted to mind you, but I have not had a great deal of “excess” time for writing; not even to show my ABSOLUTE JUBILATION that Barack Obama is President Elect of the United States. OMG!!! What more can I say?

Well, on the eve of January’s change of administration within our government, some groups are already expressing their objections for one reason or another about their disdain of the President Elect. Some think  and state, incorrectly of course, that Barack Obama is not a citizen of the United States and still others think he is a socialist (but isn’t socialism what the current administration is reflecting by bailing out banks and the auto industry…just spreading the wealth around?). Well, this blog pertains to the many people who are gay/lesbian who oppose Barack Obama’s selection of Rick Warren to deliver the invocation during inauguration.

I am a bit on the fence with this issue, as it is complex and very sensitive. Notwithstanding, President Elect Obama has the right to choose whom he will to deliver this prayer or any other for that matter. Furthermore, I still believe he is a “man about the people”; his selection does not hinder my admiration of his intelligence nor his character. However in saying that, I must be cognizant of the fact that Rick Warren’s belief about homosexuality is that it is a sin against God. End of story. I am a believer and I must admit homosexuality is not my preference and yes I struggle with it because the Bible does clearly speak against it as an abomination. But God has given us all the power to choose and ultimately we all shall come before His throne of judgment for whatever we’ve lived or neglected to live hear on earth. But I wonder if President Elect Obama chose someone who is more “universal” would there be the discontent that we see from the gay community? Universal meaning someone who speaks of love and not necessarily of damnation and please know that this is a difficult topic for me because again, I’m sitting on the fence here. But why not Maya Angelou, Desmond Tutu or even Nelson Mandela to deliver the invocation? I don’t think you have to be a minister to give prayer, or in this case do you? Nonetheless I digress…though I  don’t agree with homosexuality I still recognize that they make up, not represent, the whole of us. This being the case, shouldn’t we all feel that we are included in this prayer?

Consider the struggle of African-Americans in the United States throughout it’s history. To this day, I’m not fully sure that I can “lift up” the Constitution as it left people of my heritage as little more than property…not even human. That stings because I want to be proud, but I know that wonderful document had nothing to do with my people. And there’s a certain bitterness I have about it because I feel that I/we am not exactly a beneficiary of that document. Am I a whiner? I ask the question because an associate of mine states that she believes that’s what gays are doing regarding Obama’s choice. I don’t think I am whining about it, I’m just stating a fact. It is what it is, and that’s it.

Ultimately I suppose we all should ask what is the intent behind a person’s choice or action. And from there, you can only accept what he/she tells you as truth. In saying this, I pray that on Inaugaration Day all Americans, as well as citizens of the world, can look upon the day as a cause to be different, to think differently, to open our hearts and listen instead of immediately criticizing a person’s choice. It goes without saying that choices that put in jeopardy the lives of the indivudual, or others, is unacceptable.

The road to peace is easy; I want so badly to walk that path. I know that on that path I will find God for all that He is and all that He wants me to be!

Add a comment December 19, 2008

10 More Essentials: Must See “Black” Films

Some time ago, I wrote a blog regarding my top ten novel and movie essentials. I wrote this blog because quite frequently,  I have noticed that people of color are absent from “popular” surveys/opinion polls that seemingly are dominated by a white audience. This is not a bad thing, however by surveying only a particular demographic, people [any person, any race] miss gems that can truly change one’s place of comfort or landscape of thought; as a result, I am adding a different segment of “essentials.”

This time my focus is on ten essentials in modern Black film (these may include made for television movies). Please note that when I say Black film, I mean to state films with a predominately Black cast.

I am certain there are dynamic films that I possibly know nothing about or because I have chosen to select “modern” films, I have missed altogether. So ahead of time I ask your forgiveness as my opinions are based on my exposure to said film(s) and the particular era of film that I have chosen. I do however invite anyone reading this blog to submit their opinions and thoughts on the films that I have listed, and in turn, create a list of your own.  

I do hope that you enjoy my picks and if you have not had the opportunity to view them…do so sometime soon. They all have something profound and exquisite to offer.

1. Boys In The Hood starring Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Ice T

2. School Daze starring Spike Lee and Laurence Fishborne

3. Lady Sings the Blues starring Diana Ross and Billy Dee Williams

4. Claudine starring Diahann Carroll and James Earl Jones

5. Jungle Fever starring Wesley Snipes, Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis

6.  The Great Debaters starring Denzel Washington and Jurnee Smollett

7. Glory starring Denzal Washington and Morgan Freeman

8. Miss Ever’s Boys starring Alfre Woodard and Laurence Fishborne

9. Juice starring Tupac Shakur and Omar Epps

10. A Raisin in the Sun starring Sidney Poitier and Ruby Dee

I am so proud of my culture and the lessons of my ancestors. It’s true, we have such a long way to go before we truly understand that freedom is not only “being free.” It is also casting down the shackles that bind our minds, hearts and spirits.  

Yes, we have a long way to go…but we have crossed many miles and looked upon many moons.

2 comments November 2, 2008

7 More Days: I Pray Americans Make The Right Choice.

The 2008 Presidential Election is certainly one of the most talked about elections in our nation’s history. Particularly because an African-American, Senator Barack Obama, could potentially become the next President of the United States. This is definitely historical as our nation has never had a “Black” Commander-and-Chief, this of course being no surprise as our nation’s past indiscretions of slavery, racism and intolerance are known throughout the world. Equally historical is Senator John McCain’s running mate Governor Sarah Palin campaigning to become the first female Vice-President. To be certain, she’s not the first woman to campaign as the Vice-President; that would be Geraldine Ferraro. Nonetheless what makes this historical is the fact that the Republican ticket has a chance of winning this year’s election, afterall they are at the wire in their race against the Obama/Biden ticket.

My purpose today is to adamantly state that I am prayerful that Obama and Biden will win this election whether it be by a landslide or by a nose hair. I have profoundly and fairly considered why Senator McCain and Governor Palin would be an absolute hinderance to the revitalization of our nation:

1. Senator McCain appears very comfortable with accolades and applause. He enjoys the attention which leads me to believe that he is in this race for personal satisfaction and advancement. Unfortunately, the people of our nation will be second to his ego. Please listen to the stories he consistently tells instead of answering questions concretely. His stories are always me, my and I. Rarely, if ever, does he humble himself and give credit to others.

2. Senator McCain does not appear to be intelligent. This is not meant to be disrespectful as it is my perception and not intended to sway anyone who reads this to join my bandwagon. Nonetheless, too often Senator McCain has made terrible “faux-pas” when addressing his supporters, reporters and detractors for that matter. I believe that his cognitive processing is delayed and that his judgement is questionable (i.e. Choosing Governor Palin as his running mate).

3. Senator McCain appears reckless; I base this on his personal and educational background. I have consistently heard that Senator McCain was at the bottom of his class and was less than stellar as a serviceman. He’s reprotedly destroyed two fighter plans, killed some 100+ servicemen, committed adultery, was [personally] involved in a scandal in the 80’s yet he avoids any critique by simply navigating the “hot seat”.

4. Senator John McCain is unreliable. What exactly is he saying that he will do for our nation that will ultimately affect the world? Nothing, as his pretense is and always will be “I’m a maverick.” Please someone tell me what this means in the 21st Century? It sounds self-gratifying and far from intelligent.

5. Governor Sarah Palin is unqualified to serve as Vice-President and frankly as governor of any state. Anyone who states that they have foreign policy experience because their state is closer to Russia, should be examined by a therapist or at least a CNN political analyst.

6. How can Governor Palin lead a nation when her personal life demands her attention. A pregnant daughter and a child with Down’s Syndrome would seemingly take precedence in any mother’s life. How can she “be there” for all of us? How can she meet all of our needs? Mind you, this includes working for and with other nations.

7. I don’t take Governor Palin seriously. This again is not meant to disrespect, though I’m certain it can and will be perceived as such. Between the winks, the constant smiling and the ridiculous answers to substantial questions is the basis for my beliefs. Governor Palin presents as a cheerleader, beauty pageant contestant or weather girl ( I did not say meteorologist). I think she actually has been two out of the three that I’ve identified. And please let me be clear; there is absolutely nothing wrong with being any of these things. It’s just that if you’re perceived as these things, how will you be accepted as credible?

8. Senator McCain looks uncomfortable and remorseful in his “maverick” decision to choose Governor Palin as his running mate. I mean if you’re own aides were describing your running mate as a diva and rogue, how would you feel?

9. Where is the racial diversity in their speeches? They do not speak to minority issues or gender issues, though to Governor Palin’s credit she has addressed homosexuality but only minimally.

10. What makes the McCain/Palin ticket any different than the Bush administration? If Senator McCain admits that he has voted for President Bush at least 90% of the time, doesn’t that creep you out a lot if not only a little?    

So many questions, yet there are only 7 days left. to Election Day.  I will state that I am worried that some white [Americans] will allow racist ideal to predicate their vote. There are so many individuals out there who are blissfully “stuck” in ignorance (Black and white); I pray that these voter’s either stay at home or they have a significant “revelation”  and vote for Senator Obama. It’s so clear why he is the better choice that I no longer feel the need to “persuade” anyone into understanding why. Ultimately God/The Universe/Destiny will determine the fate of that dreadful and spectacular day, nonetheless I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

Add a comment October 29, 2008

Hearing Things: Racism, an American culture.

A couple of days ago, I was flipping through channels looking for something interesting to watch when a white American male caused me to come to a dead stop. No, it wasn’t how he looked or what he was wearing that caught my eye; it was what he said that threw me off guard, causing my mouth to form a perfect “O”. This person stated that he is not voting for that “Black boy” mimicking the tone of some antebellum slave overseer. Of course his tone was also reminiscent of Jim Crow and myriad other characters that like to chant hymnals of “white power” and “preservation of the [white] race.” But in 2008? Isn’t it almost unbelievable that there are still individuals that believe and practice racist ideals? It would almost seem impossible considering that the United States is a “melting pot” of numerous cultures, colors and beliefs. Almost impossible…but I’m no fool. Racism is alive and well, but my question is how can there still be individuals/groups that pontificate what can only be described as primitive?

Nonetheless, this man was oblivious to the ignorance of his statement. Unfortunately, I am hearing things a lot more frequently regarding America’s culture of racism. It’s strange but when I listen to people like Shawn Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, which I try to limit, I am clear where they stand without them actually saying it. You see ignorance and bigotry have a language that is often undetected because it’s coded. Even John McCain utilizes this coded effort to remind [white] voters that Barack Obama is a Black man despite his professional and educational credentials. What makes me believe that such a “conspiracy” is taking place? That’s an easy answer…history. All one needs to do is read and talk to [Black] people (or any oppressed group) to understand the challenges that we have faced in this country.  Let me give you an example: during the first round of debates, John McCain said over and over and over again that Senator Obama did not “understand” certain elements of the political arena. In essence, he was insulting Senator Obama’s intelligence but spinning it in a way that would have the average listener thinking that he was only calling to question Senator Obama’s “experience”. That’s laughable isn’t it? It can be easily challenged whether he himself is experienced enough for the job. Clearly George W. Bush and Richard “Dick” Cheney are not and Americans knew it yet some chose to elect them anyway. What’s even more interesting is the fact that Senator Obama is being challenged on everything: alleged acquaintances, intelligence, finances, race, and religious beliefs just to name a few. But my goodness, besides the Clinton’s, has there ever been a past President that was critiqued beyond the scope of what they claimed they could and would do for the American people? But again, this is coded behavior. No less a behavior that should no longer be tolerated in the 21st Century.

If Senator Obama does become President, will that change the views of the man or individuals I spoke of earlier? Unlikely. But it will change the playing field. America has always been led by white men [though Dwight D. Eisenhower’s mother was clearly of African ancestry and many rumors of other US Presidents having African heritage is known but at this point unconfirmed], but for the first time our team captain would be an African-American. It’s essential to the continuance of our nation that the majority and some minorities, understand and accept that our nation [and planet] will soon (within the next 50 years) reflect a majority of people of color. Isn’t it time to can racism as a belief? It doesn’t work anymore; our “cultural landscape” does not reflect any “logic” to its continuation.

I’m a proud Barack Obama/Joe Biden supporter. Their nominations as President and Vice-President will open the door to what I hope is a new way of thinking. No, I’m not so naive as to believe that this new thought will take place overnight or within the next year for that matter, but it will assist in eliminating a dying culture that has only served to embarrass and bring shame to our great nation.

Add a comment October 14, 2008

Just thinking…

It’s been a while since I last posted a blog, but I have a little time on my hands and thought that this would be a great opportunity to do a little writing. Beware however. I have so many things on my mind so my blog will be jumbled, busy and lengthy. But hey, like I said, it’s been a minute. ;0) Anyway, I recently reconnected with people that I have not spoken to in over twenty years. All were former classmates at one point or another during my adolescent years. One in particular however stands out a bit from the rest. We were friends at one time, and then through a course of actions that I can’t even remember, we stopped talking. Well truthfully, he stopped talking to me but again I have no idea why.


I’ll be the first to admit that I was such a fool in my youth. I made bad choices, befriended the wrong people, really didn’t understand or value what it meant to be a friend and because of those “issues” I frequently ended up in the most precarious of situations. But as I’ve gotten older I have come to realize that I did the best that I could have done at that moment; I didn’t “know” any better.



My sister and I were talking about past relationships earlier today. Were they real? Part of me says yes, but then the other part says no. Yes, because logic states that it was what it was at that time. My heart says no because if it were real, those people would still be in my life or would have reached out to me in some way by now. I mean hey, no one is untraceable because with the internet you can find anybody. But here’s another spin on those thoughts: What if those relationships were very much real but only for that particular time and season? Maybe those past relationships were not meant to travel the road with me as their purposes only served that particular time in my life. It’s likely that this is the most probable answer because the irony in it is that I can’t remember how I “felt” with any of these people. It’s as if they are part of a dream dreamt a lifetime ago.



I want to reach out and pick up where we left off, but where is that exactly? Is it worth it? I guess for many, the answer is no. Some people that I have tried to reconnect with don’t desire the same with me and that’s okay. I think in their minds, the questions that I posed above have been questions in their own minds and hearts. It’s even plausible to believe that the relationship meant more to me than it did them, and again that’s okay. But experience has shown me that whether a relationship is past or present, the people who love you will love you regardless of your shortcomings because they recognize within themselves imperfection.




My friends then are STILL my friends NOW. Nonetheless, in all my thinking it still takes two to have a relationship. So if the one does not desire it now, you move on in peace knowing that all things work for the good of those who love the Lord. I do and it has!

But enough about that! How about Sarah Palin?? I’m sorry folks, I just don’t care for her. She presents as unauthentic…coached and mechanical. I hear so many people talk about how attractive she is and that’s cool, but what does that have to do with her ability to serve our nation as Vice-President?



Between her having a foreign policy background because she lives closest to Russia, her being attractive and a mother of five, her being a PTA mom and governor of a state that has fewer people per capita than the city of Cleveland, Ohio and as many minorities as the entire state of North Dakota… I’m thinking that I may run in four years. I mean heck, I belong to the PTA, I have worked with abused and neglected children for years on some government level, I travel the country extensively and I’ve even traveled out of the country [to Canada and the Bahamas] which supports my foreign policy abilities, I am a staunch advocate of pro-environment initiatives, I am multi-ethnic so I can work with anybody and everybody, I’m a mother of two and I feel I’m attractive (it all starts with how you feel about yourself you know), and I’m in a stable relationship as I have been married for almost fourteen years. VP should be a cinch for me! No really…

I’ve also been watching all the happenings of the recession that I know we’re in as evidenced by our current economic crisis. But what’s strange is that life goes on doesn’t it? People don’t stop living, that’s just maneuver around it. But God be with those who are really suffering as a result of job loss, a loved one serving our nation in the war, or those suffering because of a lack of health-care. I pray that the universe will shift; isn’t it time? Many who have led have been so greedy and unconcerned about their fellow man. What we proclaim as a nation and what we do as a nation just doesn’t match. I pray that Obama will win; I think he has what it takes to bring light to a darkened world. I pray he does anyway…

Well, that’s it for me this evening. But I welcome comments to the things that I have written, so if you have the time drop me a dime. After all, I’m just thinking…

Add a comment October 6, 2008

Anxiously Awaiting: 1st Debate Obama and McCain

I am so thrilled to hear that Senator John McCain will be present, as he should be, for tonight’s debate with/against Senator Barack Obama. I suppose my opinion is only relevant to me in some aspects, nonetheless I offer my two cents of what was about to be a huge mistake on the part of Senator McCain. As everyone is aware, our economy is teetering on the edge of collapse. There is simply no other way that you can describe the panic that has been ensuing these last two or so weeks. The mortgage crisis, the value of the dollar, gas prices and an outrageously expensive war has all led to our current state as a nation. In what I can only call a “convenient” situation, Senator McCain informed the world that he planned to suspend his campaign. I thought that was the nuttiest thing I had ever heard of in a long while, but then thought maybe not. According to recent polls, Senator Mccain slightly trails Senator Obama in the popular vote. it is my belief that Senator McCain and/or his camp perceived this particular moment as an opportunity to regroup and better prepare for the debates. But to no surprise, Senator Obama objected this tactic proclaiming that there is no better time than now to debate the objectives of each candidate as Americans (and the world) want answers as to their futures and the future of our nation. Right on Senator Obama!! What was John McCain thinking by initiating or agreeing to a suspension of his campaign? And what of Governor Palin? Isn’t she his running mate? Where does she stand in all of this? I’m being sarcastic here but the truth is the truth…she’s “locked” down because she doesn’t speak well, she doesn’t fully understand the dynamics of our current state as a nation and world power, and frankly she is unqualified to be Vice-President. I get irritated when some people push her position of governor, mother, hockey and PTA mom and woman as credentials to be a “world” leader. Yes she’s governor of Alaska…so what? How many people live there, how much diversity is there and what type of traumatic event has happened in Alaska during her tenure that would have me to believe that she would utilize best judgement in restoring her “community”, ie. Hurricane Katrina and all of the Gulf Coast, the terrorists attacks of September 11, 2001, or the floods that have plagued the midwest and other regions of our country.  As a mother she has five children…one is pregnant at 17and one has Down’s Syndrome. And she wants to be Vice-President? She can be good, but not that good. What does hockey or the PTA have to do with running a country?? And lastly, she’s a woman. So what? So am I. Does that qualify me to lead a nation? No. People really need to be critical thinkers before they offer input on what can only be described as strange. But then again, John McCain isn’t concerned about her credentials. He selected her because she is a woman and had some belief that after Hillary Clinton supporters saw that she would not be the running mate of Barack Obama, they would jump ship and come over to his side. But gosh, in my opinion McCain proved that he’s an opportunist more than anything. He can care less about women’s rights or advancements.

But I digress; I will be directly in front of my television this evening watching the debates. I believe that our nation will have to come to terms that Senator Obama is a viable candidate and that he is the best choice to lead our nation!

Add a comment September 26, 2008

Weight a little longer….

Weight loss can be difficult if not darned discouraging! When I was in my teens, and up until I had my first child, I had absolutely no complaints about my size. For a while I was a solid size 9 but by the time I graduated from college I had “ballooned” to a size 14. Well since that time, I increased in weight and when I began wearing a size 18/20, I had come to the realization that enough was enough. I actually lost 50 lbs a few years back and it felt great, but sadly I gained every pound back. At 6ft, my body had been carrying so much weight that it wasn’t until I lost the weight that I saw how much damage I was doing to myself. You see height is an extraordinary camouflage; you don’t appear overweight but your bones scream for mercy when trying to sit down or even get up for that matter.

It’s tough too because you are embarrassed by how you look, and constantly reflect back to days long gone. But the good news is in the last year I have recommitted myself to losing the weight for good. I have lost about 20lbs in the last three months and I comfortably fit a 14. I began walking in July of 2007, stopped for a few months, and began again in May of 2008. I try to work out five days a week, initially by walking, and now I do strength training as a part of my regimen. I feel great but know that losing weight is a process and I have committed myself to being patient about losing the unwanted pounds.

One thing that I have decided to do is weigh myself only one time per month. I am telling you I would step on that scale everyday…completely discouraged by seeing it reflect the same sad story as it had the day before. I could not continue on that path because all it did was bring me down. I also try to drink lots of water, and trust me it is hard to do if you love soda pop. ;0) I have changed my diet kind of, sort of; I am still working on that one but I am getting there. Most importantly I love myself as I am; that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to lose the pounds, it simply means that with or without the weight I am still beautiful in heart, mind and spirit.

So in my quest to get back to a size that I am comfortable with (size 12), I understand that I may have to “weight” a little longer, but if I continue on this path my dedication and tenacity will manifest itself on that ever indiscriminate scale.

Add a comment September 9, 2008

Hillary Clinton Should Not Be Put On A Pedestal Regarding The Advancement of Women and more topics on race..

Last night, Hillary Clinton gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) that was hoped to be the glue that would reunite the Party and confirm her support of Barack Obama as the next President of the United States. Clinton’s speech was powerful and passionate, unfortuantely it had little to do with Obama. Instead she spoke to the crowd about why she had endeavored to become President and what she has accomplished in her years of public service as an attorney, first lady and now Senator (Clinton was wrong for that, but that topic will be visited in an upcoming blog.)

As the camera scanned the audience, I observed women of all colors and ages transfixed as they listened with tear-stained cheeks to Clinton’s personal “role call” of her credentials. Afterwards, an African-American woman (there’s always one) who could barely contain her grief that Clinton was not the Democratic nominee, acted as if she had no intelligence or understanding that Clinton is but a vessel for the Democratic Party…not THE Party!!

In fact I’m a bit confused and perplexed that many presumably feminist women, act as if Barack Obama is not good enough solely because he is not a woman.  They act as if Clinton is the saving grace for all women and she alone shattered that ever indominable glass ceiling. They forget, choose to ignore, or just don’t know that there have been other women prior to Hillary Clinton who sought the office of Commander-In-Chief; Victoria Woodhull and Shirley Chisholm.

Victoria Woodhull ran for President in 1872, and she chose for her running mate Frederick Douglass.

Shirley Chisholm ran for President in 1972 and also was the first African-American woman elected to Congress. Chisholm served seven (7) terms in office from 1969-1983. Where were feminists then?

These are two phenomenal women who long before Hillary Clinton represented women as courageous, intelligent and determined to be on equal standing with men!

Hillary Clinton is to be commended for all that she has done, but she should not be put on a pedestal as the poster child for Women’s Suffrage. There are just too many great women who have gone before her, not necessarily as candidates for the Presidency, but nonetheless who made great strides that opened the door for women to campaign to become President.

It is disappointing that some Clinton supporters continue to cry, show doubt and downplay the achievements of Barack Obama. I even listened as an African-American stated that Obama stole the election from Clinton, and because of that Barack Obama would not be getting her vote. Huh?

As an African-American and woman I can honestly say I was mortified and embarrassed. Has a Black man (or woman for that matter) ever stole anything from a white person other than FREEDOM!!?? Absolutely not!! Which leads me to believe that African-Americans are a product of cultural conditioning (new school) and/or double-consciousness ( old school.)

There are varying definitions of cultural conditioning, and I agree with every one of them. Cultural Conditioning is essentially creating, provoking, instigating a particular belief within a race/group of people, in this text regarding African-Americans, who have unconsciously learned to honor, fear and revere their oppressors; even if this belief system means forsaking their own culture/race.

Double-Consciousness, a term created by the great W.E.B. DuBois, is defined as “the sense of always looking at oneself through the eyes of others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on with bemused contempt and pity.”

Double-Consciousness manifests itself in three distinct ways:

1. It perpetuates white stereotypes within Black people regarding their own respective beliefs and culture.

2. It perpetuates racism and white supemacy against African-American’s inclusion in American society.

3. It perpetuates internal conflict between being both African and American.

As I observed the African-American woman that I mentioned previously and listened (on NPR) to the commentary made by an African-American woman as to how she believes Barack stole the election form Hillary, I couldn’t help but think about cultural conditioning, double-consciousness or Carter G. Woodson’s “Mis-Education of the Negro.”

“When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his ‘proper place’ and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary.”

In concluding, I have three thoughts as a woman and as an African-American:

1. The glass ceiling may have eighteen million cracks in it because of  Clinton’s endeavors, but the glass ceiling will be obliterated if/when Barack Obama becomes President.

2. Supporters of Clinton must ask themselves if Barack Obama is that contrary to their ideals (and the ideals of Hillary Clinton for that matter) that they would consider not voting or  voting for John McCain.

3. Don’t cry on camera unless you are an actor….who makes movies.

2 comments August 27, 2008






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