Just stopping by…

November 4, 2010 Rhonda M. Cartwright, BA, M.L.S

I have not written any posts in so long, I had to really remember what the process was to do so. I think it has been well over a year since I even thought about writing on this post, I mean between work, family, church and friends i don’t have a lot of free time. Nonetheless, I thought I’d just stop a moment and write a few lines for old times.

My husband and I have enjoyed myriad old television and movie classics since the beginning of the summer and most recently we watched Cabin In The Sky.  What a great movie of which Black Cinema is at it’s best; Ethel Waters, Lena Horne, Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong to name a few. As I watched, I thought how beautiful and talented those people were along with the rest of the entire cast. How proud I am to be of the same ancestry as these individuals, considering the abominable crimes that were common and lawful during the progression of American society if you will.

The movie is not one that would move a great thinker or orator, but the talent would be enviable of anyone who would call themselves an artist.

There is great talent today, but at times it feels more man-made than natural. Gone are the days of beauty that takes your breath away or debonaire gents who would make your eyes see stars upon the sight of them.

I think that young people today, of all races and background, should visit networks like TCM that host classic movie from sun up to sun down, every day of the week and year. Sadly, we are missing the broad-shouldered strong woman of yesteryear in this generation; men who were not only suave, but also strong and vigilante.  

Young people need to be reminded of the paths that were laid for them to do and be who they are today, only then will we see the truly authentic and talented rise again.

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