Hearing Things: Racism, an American culture.

October 14, 2008 Rhonda M. Cartwright, BA, M.L.S

A couple of days ago, I was flipping through channels looking for something interesting to watch when a white American male caused me to come to a dead stop. No, it wasn’t how he looked or what he was wearing that caught my eye; it was what he said that threw me off guard, causing my mouth to form a perfect “O”. This person stated that he is not voting for that “Black boy” mimicking the tone of some antebellum slave overseer. Of course his tone was also reminiscent of Jim Crow and myriad other characters that like to chant hymnals of “white power” and “preservation of the [white] race.” But in 2008? Isn’t it almost unbelievable that there are still individuals that believe and practice racist ideals? It would almost seem impossible considering that the United States is a “melting pot” of numerous cultures, colors and beliefs. Almost impossible…but I’m no fool. Racism is alive and well, but my question is how can there still be individuals/groups that pontificate what can only be described as primitive?

Nonetheless, this man was oblivious to the ignorance of his statement. Unfortunately, I am hearing things a lot more frequently regarding America’s culture of racism. It’s strange but when I listen to people like Shawn Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, which I try to limit, I am clear where they stand without them actually saying it. You see ignorance and bigotry have a language that is often undetected because it’s coded. Even John McCain utilizes this coded effort to remind [white] voters that Barack Obama is a Black man despite his professional and educational credentials. What makes me believe that such a “conspiracy” is taking place? That’s an easy answer…history. All one needs to do is read and talk to [Black] people (or any oppressed group) to understand the challenges that we have faced in this country.  Let me give you an example: during the first round of debates, John McCain said over and over and over again that Senator Obama did not “understand” certain elements of the political arena. In essence, he was insulting Senator Obama’s intelligence but spinning it in a way that would have the average listener thinking that he was only calling to question Senator Obama’s “experience”. That’s laughable isn’t it? It can be easily challenged whether he himself is experienced enough for the job. Clearly George W. Bush and Richard “Dick” Cheney are not and Americans knew it yet some chose to elect them anyway. What’s even more interesting is the fact that Senator Obama is being challenged on everything: alleged acquaintances, intelligence, finances, race, and religious beliefs just to name a few. But my goodness, besides the Clinton’s, has there ever been a past President that was critiqued beyond the scope of what they claimed they could and would do for the American people? But again, this is coded behavior. No less a behavior that should no longer be tolerated in the 21st Century.

If Senator Obama does become President, will that change the views of the man or individuals I spoke of earlier? Unlikely. But it will change the playing field. America has always been led by white men [though Dwight D. Eisenhower’s mother was clearly of African ancestry and many rumors of other US Presidents having African heritage is known but at this point unconfirmed], but for the first time our team captain would be an African-American. It’s essential to the continuance of our nation that the majority and some minorities, understand and accept that our nation [and planet] will soon (within the next 50 years) reflect a majority of people of color. Isn’t it time to can racism as a belief? It doesn’t work anymore; our “cultural landscape” does not reflect any “logic” to its continuation.

I’m a proud Barack Obama/Joe Biden supporter. Their nominations as President and Vice-President will open the door to what I hope is a new way of thinking. No, I’m not so naive as to believe that this new thought will take place overnight or within the next year for that matter, but it will assist in eliminating a dying culture that has only served to embarrass and bring shame to our great nation.

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