Weight a little longer….

September 9, 2008 Rhonda M. Cartwright, BA, M.L.S

Weight loss can be difficult if not darned discouraging! When I was in my teens, and up until I had my first child, I had absolutely no complaints about my size. For a while I was a solid size 9 but by the time I graduated from college I had “ballooned” to a size 14. Well since that time, I increased in weight and when I began wearing a size 18/20, I had come to the realization that enough was enough. I actually lost 50 lbs a few years back and it felt great, but sadly I gained every pound back. At 6ft, my body had been carrying so much weight that it wasn’t until I lost the weight that I saw how much damage I was doing to myself. You see height is an extraordinary camouflage; you don’t appear overweight but your bones scream for mercy when trying to sit down or even get up for that matter.

It’s tough too because you are embarrassed by how you look, and constantly reflect back to days long gone. But the good news is in the last year I have recommitted myself to losing the weight for good. I have lost about 20lbs in the last three months and I comfortably fit a 14. I began walking in July of 2007, stopped for a few months, and began again in May of 2008. I try to work out five days a week, initially by walking, and now I do strength training as a part of my regimen. I feel great but know that losing weight is a process and I have committed myself to being patient about losing the unwanted pounds.

One thing that I have decided to do is weigh myself only one time per month. I am telling you I would step on that scale everyday…completely discouraged by seeing it reflect the same sad story as it had the day before. I could not continue on that path because all it did was bring me down. I also try to drink lots of water, and trust me it is hard to do if you love soda pop. ;0) I have changed my diet kind of, sort of; I am still working on that one but I am getting there. Most importantly I love myself as I am; that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to lose the pounds, it simply means that with or without the weight I am still beautiful in heart, mind and spirit.

So in my quest to get back to a size that I am comfortable with (size 12), I understand that I may have to “weight” a little longer, but if I continue on this path my dedication and tenacity will manifest itself on that ever indiscriminate scale.

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