7 More Days: I Pray Americans Make The Right Choice.

October 29, 2008 Rhonda M. Cartwright, BA, M.L.S

The 2008 Presidential Election is certainly one of the most talked about elections in our nation’s history. Particularly because an African-American, Senator Barack Obama, could potentially become the next President of the United States. This is definitely historical as our nation has never had a “Black” Commander-and-Chief, this of course being no surprise as our nation’s past indiscretions of slavery, racism and intolerance are known throughout the world. Equally historical is Senator John McCain’s running mate Governor Sarah Palin campaigning to become the first female Vice-President. To be certain, she’s not the first woman to campaign as the Vice-President; that would be Geraldine Ferraro. Nonetheless what makes this historical is the fact that the Republican ticket has a chance of winning this year’s election, afterall they are at the wire in their race against the Obama/Biden ticket.

My purpose today is to adamantly state that I am prayerful that Obama and Biden will win this election whether it be by a landslide or by a nose hair. I have profoundly and fairly considered why Senator McCain and Governor Palin would be an absolute hinderance to the revitalization of our nation:

1. Senator McCain appears very comfortable with accolades and applause. He enjoys the attention which leads me to believe that he is in this race for personal satisfaction and advancement. Unfortunately, the people of our nation will be second to his ego. Please listen to the stories he consistently tells instead of answering questions concretely. His stories are always me, my and I. Rarely, if ever, does he humble himself and give credit to others.

2. Senator McCain does not appear to be intelligent. This is not meant to be disrespectful as it is my perception and not intended to sway anyone who reads this to join my bandwagon. Nonetheless, too often Senator McCain has made terrible “faux-pas” when addressing his supporters, reporters and detractors for that matter. I believe that his cognitive processing is delayed and that his judgement is questionable (i.e. Choosing Governor Palin as his running mate).

3. Senator McCain appears reckless; I base this on his personal and educational background. I have consistently heard that Senator McCain was at the bottom of his class and was less than stellar as a serviceman. He’s reprotedly destroyed two fighter plans, killed some 100+ servicemen, committed adultery, was [personally] involved in a scandal in the 80’s yet he avoids any critique by simply navigating the “hot seat”.

4. Senator John McCain is unreliable. What exactly is he saying that he will do for our nation that will ultimately affect the world? Nothing, as his pretense is and always will be “I’m a maverick.” Please someone tell me what this means in the 21st Century? It sounds self-gratifying and far from intelligent.

5. Governor Sarah Palin is unqualified to serve as Vice-President and frankly as governor of any state. Anyone who states that they have foreign policy experience because their state is closer to Russia, should be examined by a therapist or at least a CNN political analyst.

6. How can Governor Palin lead a nation when her personal life demands her attention. A pregnant daughter and a child with Down’s Syndrome would seemingly take precedence in any mother’s life. How can she “be there” for all of us? How can she meet all of our needs? Mind you, this includes working for and with other nations.

7. I don’t take Governor Palin seriously. This again is not meant to disrespect, though I’m certain it can and will be perceived as such. Between the winks, the constant smiling and the ridiculous answers to substantial questions is the basis for my beliefs. Governor Palin presents as a cheerleader, beauty pageant contestant or weather girl ( I did not say meteorologist). I think she actually has been two out of the three that I’ve identified. And please let me be clear; there is absolutely nothing wrong with being any of these things. It’s just that if you’re perceived as these things, how will you be accepted as credible?

8. Senator McCain looks uncomfortable and remorseful in his “maverick” decision to choose Governor Palin as his running mate. I mean if you’re own aides were describing your running mate as a diva and rogue, how would you feel?

9. Where is the racial diversity in their speeches? They do not speak to minority issues or gender issues, though to Governor Palin’s credit she has addressed homosexuality but only minimally.

10. What makes the McCain/Palin ticket any different than the Bush administration? If Senator McCain admits that he has voted for President Bush at least 90% of the time, doesn’t that creep you out a lot if not only a little?    

So many questions, yet there are only 7 days left. to Election Day.  I will state that I am worried that some white [Americans] will allow racist ideal to predicate their vote. There are so many individuals out there who are blissfully “stuck” in ignorance (Black and white); I pray that these voter’s either stay at home or they have a significant “revelation”  and vote for Senator Obama. It’s so clear why he is the better choice that I no longer feel the need to “persuade” anyone into understanding why. Ultimately God/The Universe/Destiny will determine the fate of that dreadful and spectacular day, nonetheless I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

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